Tuesday, January 1, 2013

December 30, 2012 Christmas week

Making Gram cracker houses at the library:

 I didn't eat any...

 Eating messy

This week Rex asked if I would cut his sandwich I look over to tell him yes and he is holding a huge chef's knife like he is going to do more than cut a sandwich. 

Christmas eve:

 Jamie on day 1000 of cross stitching 

How Jesse feels about Rex dressing up

 Baby Jesus over protected.  Rex felt like the robot belonged because it was white too.

 Jamie decorating a tree

 Waiting to decorate houses

 Frosting prep

Christmas Day:
 Santa had a hit with chips in the stockings 

 Rex more interested in cleaning then presents.

"This is beautiful" Rex crooned as he opened his Buzz Light-year flashlight. 
Later Rex was talking to Mike and told him " This is my Buzz Light-year flashlight, it came from Korea."  I am pretty sure Rex thinks everything comes from Korea.  

 "Rex you can share."  Chloe informed him as he opened presents.  About 10 min after we were done opening presents Chloe asked, "Is the baby ready to come?"  I did tell her after Christmas the baby would come, but her expectations were a little high Schuyler still isn't here yet.


It was so cute.  Rex would fly his plane somewhere and land it.  Then have the helicopter catch-up and the two air-crafts had a stimulating running dialog the entire time.

Creepy talking, but funny.

 The kids were so cute.  They loved each and every present.  From the crayon rolls, T-ball set, airplane, to dolls, everything.  They got so many presents but loved each and every one, and they have been playing with them.   

Rex got a present and I put his animals in a box and he opened it and exclaimed "A BOX!"   When he it I thin figure out there was more and opened the box his animals weren't too much of a letdown. 

Feeding the animals.


Chloe opened a present and exclaimed "just what I always wanted!"  They were so cute.  She was wearing her new slippers around and made us listen to the sound they make walking on the wood floor.

 Staring the first quilt.  We pieced two robot quilts and we are working on an owl quilt.

 Rex not so happy about a new shirt

 Wait were these dad's present?  Everyone loved to stack robots around this place.

Rex helping make pizza


Rex chillin'

 Hanging out.

Playing with Aunt Dri's new present.

Merry Christmas Aunt Dri

What isn't in the bowl is on my face.

Enjoying the spoils of Christmas.  Even though he doesn't enjoy noodle soup he is more than willing to dole it out to me.  It is funny because in play food world pots are only used to make soup and spatulas are only used for making pancakes.

The robots pieced


  1. Yes Jesse's face is perfect. He just laughed at himself. Christmas eve was awesome you guys are great! now go eat some cheese ball!!!

  2. Those robot quilts are AWESOME!

    I love Mike's robot PJs too. And I love the white robot next to the nativity. It make the sense complete.
