Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 19, 2014 Holly, Marj, and Nana visit.

Dad and Ike snuggle

Purple medicine, and happy about it. 

 Poor Ike has no idea what is about to happen at the doctor...

 Zoo with Aunt Holly. 

Holly and Ike snuggle.

 Marj and Ike snuggle time.

 Rex and Ike on the train.

 Sunning time.

 Rex's shirt was put in timeout because he was sucking on it, so he was hanging outside in his blanket. 

Nana reading time.


  1. Awe Ike is so so so cute. I can't wait to see his bubbly personality shine through. Rex, stop eating your shirt. hehehehe Love all the family time, when they leave I want to come party with you. LOL you'll never get a break. ;-)

  2. Once again Jill, Great Blog. I love Ike, he really is super cute with all his facial expressions. I am concerned that taking Rex's shirt isn't really a punishment at all, but a great excuse to roll around in with his blanket.

  3. I like that baby in that blanket.
