Sunday, July 26, 2015

July 26, 2015 Mulhollands, museum of glass

 Ike loves to swing

 Roger and Michelle came to visit and we had so much fun and a lot of good conversations.

 At the Doctor

 Cleaning Chloe's toe.

Wednesday we went to the farmers market and we were the first people.  Rex asked when the boxes were coming.  told him soon but they were later then we were.  He looked at me and replied, "Jerks."

 Ike so proud that he could climb up the entire play structure.

 Making birds.

Ike so proud that he can climb his chair by himself.

Ike LOVES the water.

 Museum of glass

Cool glass screens


 space ship.

 Clarinet.  Don't think we didn't think of you Dri.

 one that looks like a top.

 Vases that distort your face and makes it look funny.

Drawing heart heroes in hope you will get it made out of glass.

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