Friday, May 31, 2024

May 2024

Ike and Atticus  marj and the kids came for a visit.  I didn't get enough pictures. 

Andie and Chloé

Unicorn rae.  This is her favorite stuffie.

Lindsey came down for the weekend.  We had a blast and got to walk around the capitol and hang out. 

These fearless four went backpacking and had so much fun. 

The chicks are getting bigger. 

Rex wrapped up track this year.  He had had fun and tried new things. 

Look at the form. 

I was able to chaperone Rex's class to the Nisqually wetlands.  Our group was awesome we saw otter deer eagles and lots of birds. 

We have a bunch of snakes around the house. 

We were able to make it up to Bellingham for Lindsey's birthday.  It was so much fun. 

Bike ride. 

Mike and I celebrated our anniversary with a sound bath and dinner.  Plus a walk around Olympia.

Mt. Rainier was out so clear the other day on my walk with my German friend Tanja. 

The northern lights were so low they were visible from our area.

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