Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26, 2011 Coming home

Everyone hunker down, it's another long one covering more than a week.

 We have been working late a lot and one night we got pizza and bread sticks Rex at almost a whole bag of bread sticks on his own.  This is him enjoying himself.

 Movie watching has been happening so I can get things done

Rex loved the bubble machine until we returned it to the Pearsons.  
Sad day.

Chloé and Rex have been playing so well together.  One day Chloé had her shirt up. Rex was poking her belly button and both were laughing. 

The next pics are all the faces Chloé was making.  She is very into pulling faces and emotions.  Rex sort-of follows suit.

 Grumpy Face

 Super grumpy face

 Super happy face

 Sleepy face

 Chloé holding him and Rex going with it.

 Rex holding the three balls.  He kept dropping them but continued to pick them up.

 So we are hanging out with dri and the Pearsons.  We were having cookies.  Chloé ate three hundred.  She was going for cookie three-hundred-and-one and Dri and I started saying "no more" and Rex chimed in "Cookies" clear as day and smiled so huge.  There is a book we read a few months ago that repeats "no more cookies"  I guess the book stuck with all of us.

 This is the NEW, to us, swing set

Chloé started twisting the swing up... a lot. I was freaking out, but as you can see Rex enjoys it...a lot.

Rex laughing at Chloé in the car.

Chloés trick

Hiking near Mt Rainier

 Our own rainy day slug
(Another book)

Hike destination

 9.5 foot diameter fir tree

Johnson Pile

 Making the cake

The finished product. Happy birthday celebrated Dri!  Chloé was so excited and told everyone in nursery about our plans.  In addition, Chloé harassed Dri until she opened her present and ate cake.  Wonder Woman!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 20, 2011 Trip to Utah

Rex and the goat talking at "The Farm"

Grandma and Chloé with a chick at "The Farm"

 We had Mike's 31st birthday

 Murrie made Mike a super, terrific, yummy, delicious cake.

 Chloé Cheeto hands

Rex getting Aunt Beka

Rex playing koob.  The home-made root beer Charlie brewed in the background.  It was soooo good.  Thanks to everyone came, and chipping in to making Mike's birthday cool!

Natie-o  was wanting a ride, so we went out and had FUN.

We  went out for a walk by my mom's, but Chloé wet her pants.  She would not sit down the rest of the ride.

 Our walk and Chloé still elevated.

 Rex favorite place at Nana's

 Wild Wood walk.  We all love Wild Wood while staying there we absconded with my moms dryer balls. Chloé called them her pokey eggs and was sitting on them.  Well squatting over them because they were pokey. When we got in the car she had to cover them so they would stay warm.  She is a good mother bird.

Mike, Finn and Rex swinging at Wild Wood

 Oaker Chloé and Natie-o Swinging.

 Rex at Wild Wood.  This is familiar.

 The Ralph Girls at Wild Wood

 Rex's surfing stance

The Family Reunion. 
  My Mom's side  had a family reunion on my Grandpa's 100th birthday.  We toured my Grandparent, and Great-Grandparent's houses. We made shields from bucket lids and swords from left over plastic signs.  The kids got really into it.

They were ready to go.

 And Defeat evil.

 We got wood from my Mom's yard and painted them.

This was Chloé's block.

 Rex tired and Dri comforting him.

 Dee and Rex kickin' it

 We had all the family's introduce themselves and share a little talent.  It was cool to see what all my aunts uncles and cousins were up to.  The blanket Rex is wrapped in my cousins Michelle crocheted...Talented.  This is a picture of Chloe singing.  She sang Nephi's Courage in front of everyone and did beautifully!

Chloé at Wild Wood for the family reunion.  This is pretty much a carbon copy of my childhood.

 Chloé has been super into her shadow lately.  She calls it her friend.  We need to get her more friends.

 Delenna and Steph at the family reunion.

We played Koob at the reunion and Dri and I had to resort to psychological warfare to beat Steph and Dee.  Clearly we are not above it.

 Rex asking please.

Chloé's grupy face.  We went swimming the second day.

And we had so much fun!  I  love Oakers smile.

 The last day we were in Utah Rex got a fever

This is him at the insta-care. At least he was still happy.