Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 24, 2014 productivity

Sometimes this is what breakfast looks like at our house.

 Chloe got this pet pig from the dentist. She named her Lavoda, the most creative name she has come up with, by far.

 Playing in the back yard

 Rex reading Mike's scuba book.

 Mike was having a man date, so the kids and I went and got frozen yogurt.
 Rex got coconut aka white icecream.

Chloe got chocolate peanut butter and cake batter ice cream accompanied by every topping possible.

 This week I have been super productive:  Dri and I got the baby quilt designed, cut and pieced.  I made two dresses for Chloe. Finally Dri and I canned 54 jars of peaches and apples.  It was a good week.  Chloe told me she was impressed with my factory skills while I was sewing her dress.  She is so cute.

Rex was extremly stoked about his socks and sandals.  We love the north west.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 17, 2014

 We got lemon cucumbers from our garden.  Rex was excited and ate his with cheese.

 We kayaked to Sunny side beach and played with the Pearsons.


 There was the most beautiful sunset.  In fact, Rex came over and grabbed my arm and said, "There is the most beautiful sunset.  It's very beautiful. Want to come look?"  We went, and it was the most beautiful sunset.

Translation: No boys allowed in the club but Rex and Big Boy Alex Silly can come in. Big Boy Alex Silly is Rex's stuffed dog.  I love six year old phonetic writing.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10, 2014 Swimming week.

 Chambers river park with the Pearsons.

 AKA ghetto white trash hang out of Tacoma.


I love how Rex internalized information.  This week he told me, "My neck is hurting because I don't have any water, I peed it out." I am thirsty didn't suffice. Last week he told me he needed water because he was dehydrated.  After he got  a drink he told me he was hydrated.  At least he gets how these things work.

 Strawberry thumbs.

Chloe made Rex a rocket ship and her a cat...named Pearl. She later added on whiskers with a sharpie.

 Pacific Lutheran University.

 Swimming with the Leavitt's and Roemhildts.

 Dinner with the Roemhildts. As the Dads are away the kids and Mommys will play.

 Dyslexic anyone?

Rex was super proud because he built his model like the card.

Lazy kids for a "walk" with Dad Sunday afternoon, as Mom observes a day of rest.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 3, 2014 Family Reunion

While I was gone the kids had a blast with Mike, grandma and grandpa.
One day they ran into the Pearson's at the pool.  

 I was away at camp with my darling Young Women.

Before we left I bought some school supplies.  Chloe found some sharpies and inquired, "Are these Sharpies for me?"
I informed there they weren't.  To which she responded, "Oh come on Mom! Help me out, I'm going to first grade and I am responsible for sharpies." 
 We had one day at home and then went to our family reunion.

Jan turned their Bellingham home into Disneyland.

 Rex, jonas, mike, ruby and chloe

Chloe and Jonas

Madison, Rex, Josh, blake, sam or ben, and ruby doing bubbles.

 Rex with his face on the boat window on our whale watching outing.

 Chloe and I

 Rex and I

Holly and Charlie

 Ruby and Madison

 We found a wild pod of whales that were hunting seals.

Rex, Jonas and Blake

Debbie, Josh, sam or ben, Jenica, Rex, Analisa, Chloe playing games on the boat.

 Madison, Matt, and Ruby

 Mike and I at Friday Harbor.

The potato gun.  Uncle Steve had all the kids in the palm of his hand as he was shooting tennis balls.

Dynamic duo.

 Painting rocks


 Mike getting in the way of Shawn and Rachelle's love again.

 "hiking"  Rex made it about fifty yards down the trail then we hung out in the car.

 He thought Chloe would love these flowers so we took a picture by every flower on the way back.

 Chloe didn't want to hike so she went out on the boat and everyone took care of her.

 Chloe singing to the seagulls.

Chloe helping uncle dan drive the boat

 Shawn and Chloe

 Jason, Holly, and Chloe

Josh, Sadie, and Chloe

 Ruby, Sadie, and Josh

Rex and Chloe playing trains 
Rex and Josh playing.
 It was so fun for everyone to get together, see the beauty of Washington.