Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April 2019

 Ike found a snail on the way to school.

 The schutzenhaus near us had a Easter shoot and every shot you made on the target you get a hard boiled egg.

 We got Ike a tag along bike.  A few days ago Ike found two bugs attached and asked me what was going on.  I informed him they were making more bugs.  So now when we ride he kept saying we are like the lady bugs.

 My dear friend Stacy asked me to take some pictures of her family.  We had such a beautiful night.

 Chloe made me a fan for mothers day.

April 2019 Venice and Croatia.


 We ate at this pizza place that was a little odd and played only Elvis.

 Then we found this yummy freshly made pasta.

 Nove was awesome and we found some new dishes.  These were an interesting find.

 We spent a lot of time quilting and coloring.

 I look like a huge gorilla next to this tiny car.

We went to the store and didn't have a bag so we used Julies coat.


 The drive to Lake Plitvice 

 Plitvice Lakes National Park

 It was POURING.

 Then cleared up as we left.

 Driving to our place the link took us to the wrong place and we ended up going wayyyy out of the way but we got to see the most beautiful sunset.

 Day 2 in Plitvice Lakes


 We found this little guy.

 It was gorgeous and we had such a nice visit to Croatia.

 The drive home.

 Lake Bled

We made the drive home in one day.  Julie was a little annoyed I wouldn't let us stop but we made it home.