Friday, July 31, 2020

Beach days outside of Zadar, Croatia 31 July 2020

We PLAYED at the beach.

Paddle boarding.


kite flying

Gorgeous sunsets.

more fun.

more sitting.

Mike and I put the kids down and went across the street we watched the sunset the breeze died and we had the most placid beautiful night of my life.  It was like paddle boarding in a rainbow.

Vacation food.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Krka and Zadar Croatia 29 July 2020

Ike talked us into buying this bear hat.  It is magic.

Krka Falls Croatia

It is crazy when you are on vacation and run into your friends.  Bowns it was fun to see you.

Krka is so fun but is kind of scary with Ike. He walked off a ledge and I had to jump in and save him.  I am not the best swimmer it was kind of sketchy. I am glad we are all ok but I may have lost a few years off my life.

Down town Zadar.  We ran into another family from our Village and met up with the Wallace's

These sunrays were so amazing to see.  It was so gorgeous.

This boy and his smile are so enchanting.

I am so thankful we get to do and see so many beautiful places, it is especially cool to come to a place over and over again.