Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 20, 2014 Safety day

 Sometimes Chloe wears a swim suit and boots.

Chloe had billy bob teeth...

 Then no tooth, her adorable jack-o-lantern smile.

 Splash pad
 One day while Rex was praying he said something along the lines:
Help us to have more good people then bad people. Help us to punch the bad people in the belly button, that would be funny. Haha!

 Rex coddling the goats

The second bird hitting the road.

 Mike took the kids to swim lessons.  He was telling Mike his favorite day is safety day and every detail.  Mike asked when safety occurred Rex replied, "Mon-Day!"  Mike pushed, today is Monday, and Rex said, "No another Monday."  Well on Wednesday...

Chloe gave me her first ultimatum: Mom I'm going to wear this pair of underwear that I have on until you get me a Slurpee." After I told her that may not be the best way to get what she wants Rex quickly chimed in, "Mom can we please get a sippie (what he calls slurpees)?"

 Rex-I never change my mind.
Rex-Sometimes I do.

 The new chickens: Fire-Everything, and Fire-Ruby

Chloe got the all clear from the dr about her surgery and is doing well.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13, 2014 Chloe surgery, bike ride, yw over nighter.

Chloe waiting for surgery.

They gave her medicine before the anesthesia and she got a little wound up.  She was laying like this and saying, "Look I'm a banana." Then I asked her how she was doing if she felt funny and she replied, " Yeah, My brain feels all wiggly, like it's jumping up and down."  They wheeled us in the  back and we talked to the Doctor.  Then the anesthesiologist came in, Chloe giggled, squinted, and said, "It looks like there's two of you."

Recovery, hanging out with dri.

Eating pop-sickles and using the blue ones as makeup.

Family bike ride

Crazy beautiful view.

Such a pretty day.

Young Women overnight-er.

 Paddle boarding

Rex didn't like the sun

Everyone relaxing.

Mallow roast

Chloe was awesome she took rex for a spin and went out on her own.  She is so adventurous, and was legit paddling and maneuvering.

July 6, 2014 4th of july


 Chloe and rex with sea carrots aka eel grass

DeLenna Taylor and the train kayaking

 We stole addie and corrupted her.

 DeLenna and I made a snail quilt

 Rex loves to have all the jewels

 Happy 4th of July


 A day with aunt dri