Monday, November 18, 2019

November 17, 2019 St. Martins, Chloe's face, Goodbye Olsen Family.

 Ike Kindergarten I am loving the fall colors.

My friend Stacy and I made peanut butter cups.

Ike is LOVING school.

We had St. Martin's lantern festival.

 It was so fun and beautiful.

Gathering around the fire with family and friends celebrating a dude who gave food and his coat to people in need.  It is a fun fest.

The kids made a bunk in the shoe closet one shelf per kid.

Chloe had a tooth pulled and got an infection, it was a little rough. Chloe's poor swollen face. One antibiotic later and she is doing great.

Ike is REALLY German at this point.

Chloe loves little baby Heidi.

Rex and his buddy at our friends going away party. 

Becky was our first friend in the ward it is hard to say goodbye.

Chloe found this flamingo outfit and fell in love.

The kids having fun at the Horners.  They built a whole village, it was pretty amazing.  The avocado statue in the middle of the town square is a good focal point. You can tell by their design these kids have lived in Europe for a few years. 

 Sunny drive home.

Dinner with friends and you find out that friend dresses just like you.

Saying good bye again to the Olsens. Ike and Amelia have been friends ever since we moved here and they were in nursery together and preschool and now primary.

Becky the person people think is my sister because we both have red hair.

Rex loves Alexander, and tells him every time he reminds him of Atticus, awesome cousin.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

November 3, 2019 Halloween and Bowling master

 Ike has been making notes for people.  This one was for his teacher. I love his people and they are holding hands.

My and my gal pals from the village.

I rode my bike to the store and found pumpkins.  The kids have been begging to carve pumpkins.  I caved.  They all asked me to help and I declined and told them that is why we didn't carve pumpkins in the past.

Ike carved his scary one eyed monster.

Rex's I love the teeth. He actually cut them on and reattached them with toothpicks.  We both were only stabbed once in the process.

Chloe made hers look like a tiger planned it out beforehand on paper, it turned out awesome, and so detailed.

Ike was trogdor.

 Ghost Rex, Witch Chloe, Trogdor Ike.

The pumpkins.  I may have carved a face in Ike's so the light would shine through.  Ike was happy with my teeth so it all worked out.

Chloe dressed the bear like herself.

Mike found the kids reading in the bathroom instead of going to bed. How can you be mad at that?  Well we found out you can't.

Bowling day.  Lying in bed I asked Ike "What are we going to do today with your day off?"  He informed me, "Going bowling!"  So we did.

Bowling break.

When we bowl everyone means business.  Look at Chloe's face.

Rex's game face.

Ike's victory dance.

Ike break. 
 I Don't know what happened, but I bowled my best game EVER!  Not by a little either.  I am talking landslide I doubled my normal score bowling kind of day.  You can see by the score below from zero to hero.  We had a fun day.
Marj got Rex a joke book, and now everyone is on board with the jokes.  Ike told the following joke the other day:
Knock knock
Who's there?
Ike who?
Ike McJohnson-er-son.

Also, today we were watching a movie and there was a low point where the main character was at a low point and Ike exclaims "I curse this movie!"  His comic timing was on point even if his knock knock jokes are less than coherent.