Rex sad
Rex "happy" I am pretty sure this is going to be his picture face.
This week I was trying to give Rex his drops and I instructed "give me your tong " I turn around a Rex has his pants down and has a cheek hanging out toward me, and asked "this one?" I had to clarify tong not bum.
Advent robots
Rex is talking about how he drew on the mirror, he drew a circle, a big circle and a little circle. He used a green maker and then asked is that awesome?
Rex didn't want to share the bread with our neighbors. He just dug into the entire bole.
Rex was so happy this morning
Enumclaw library opening:
Dri picked out all the interiors, and did a fabulous job.
Jingle bells
Chloe dancing...priceless
Chloe picked a princess book to read. I complained that I didn't want a stupid one. She informed me it was beautiful. I persisted if she wanted me to read her something it was going to be a different selection. She brought back the Lorax and asked "Unstupid?"
Rex loves Mario every time you go through a door he has been shouting " Bye, bye, see you later!"
1-activity in our advent calender
Christmas tree lighting.
One night at dinner Mike announced, "I guess I make sad salads."
Rex "happy" I am pretty sure this is going to be his picture face.
This week I was trying to give Rex his drops and I instructed "give me your tong " I turn around a Rex has his pants down and has a cheek hanging out toward me, and asked "this one?" I had to clarify tong not bum.
Advent robots
Rex is talking about how he drew on the mirror, he drew a circle, a big circle and a little circle. He used a green maker and then asked is that awesome?
Rex didn't want to share the bread with our neighbors. He just dug into the entire bole.
Enumclaw library opening:
Dri picked out all the interiors, and did a fabulous job.
Jingle bells
Chloe picked a princess book to read. I complained that I didn't want a stupid one. She informed me it was beautiful. I persisted if she wanted me to read her something it was going to be a different selection. She brought back the Lorax and asked "Unstupid?"
Rex loves Mario every time you go through a door he has been shouting " Bye, bye, see you later!"
1-activity in our advent calender
Christmas tree lighting.
Chloe"why don't you learn from mom, she knows how to make happy ones."
Your weeks are always packed with Awesomeness. I love Rex's picture face. And your robot advent calendar is SWEET.