Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 11, 2013 Beka Visit/ Color run

 Pacific Science Center

 Quick Kayak trip

Color me Rad run
On the way to the run Rex was putting his feet on Kyle's seat.  Mike asked him to stop...Rex didn't.  Mike threatened "Rex stop or I am going to flick your cheek."  Rex retorted "But you cannot reach, your arm's not long enough."  Mike escalates "Well I am going to stop the car and flick your cheek"  Rex reasons, "if you stop the car you will get hit by a car and then a car will hit our car and we won't have this car either."  Then Mike Resorts to "we are almost there and then I will flick your cheek."  Rex replied nothing knowing he had out reasoned. 

 Chambers park


  1. I started laughing pretty hard when I saw the picture of Mike and James. That is awesome.

  2. My favorite is the group picture with Rex's arm on Kade's chest....it cracks me up everytime I see it
