This is a video of the kids with the dolphins.
This is a shark Mike saw while diving in Hawaii
Rex on the zip line at the park with cousins.
Driving up to Jan and Dan's we couldn't find Mike's wallet. Mike in the car asked. Honey, where's my walllllleeeet? Chloe responded, "Good joke dad, but it's not that funny."
Bed time.
Whatcom falls.
Jan and Ike. We had so much fun with family. Becky had her baby the night we left. We are so happy for the new addition. He looks adorable.
The kids:We're orphans makin' witches brew
Sara:Why are you orphans?
The kids: Cause then we can do whatever we want!
Ike is getting so big. He is rolling and scooting everywhere. He loves toys and is still the happiest thing ever.
The frozen 7th birthday. Chloe was insistent on having Elsa's ice castle for her cake. It was the hardest cake I have made. It was so tall I had to use dowels to keep it standing.
The birthday girl.
Don't eat Elsa.
Snowball fight.
Building snowmen.
Melting Elsa's frozen heart.
Let it go!
Grace helped and made Chloe her own special cake.
Instead of a pinata we did a punching luck of the draw game.
Phone time.
Things go down hill quickly around here.
Demo the bathroom. The leaking must stop.
Ike's first time in the swing, and he loved it. He is growing so quickly.