Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 12, 2015 Tulip festival, troll, gas works park, first grade picture.

Chicks.  Logan's face is priceless. 


 Random mike pictures.

 At least he had a little fun, while he has been out of town.

 Heading up to the tulip festival we saw the firemen with their latter up.

 Chloe went and said hi and got a little tour.  Rex was being oddly shy and opted to hang out in our car.

 Hanging out in the car.

Tulip festival.

 Rex kept aggressively smelling the flowers.

 Aggressive smelling

 More aggressive smelling.

 It was a beautiful fun day.

 Ike is getting in on the play action.

 He is so wiggly and I dropped him.  He was super jazzed about the cold compress.


 Gas works park

 Beautiful day.

 It was beautiful but windy.

 We stopped by the troll.


 Rex was miffed because he wanted a burrito.

 So I rolled them up and he dug in with gusto.
 We love the taco truck.

 Ike playing in the car.

 Our souvenir from the tulip festival.

Chloe lost another tooth.

Chloe's class picture. 
I don't know what happened but she was in the front row this year.


  1. oh no the sun was shinning on Rex! so fun and look how many times you guys got frozen yogurt. Ike is huge! is he crawling yet?

  2. He is army crawling everywhere and getting up on his hands and knees.
