Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7, 2015 Mikes birthday, Duck days

 50 shades of green.  Rex believes if you wear the same color it matches.  I love how many different colors of green he piled on this particular day.

 Yes, Ike can crawl up the stairs.  He got up this far and just started to cry.

 I heart rex's curly tongue.

 Ike plotting in his sleep.

 The new Jellyfish exhibit.  These were Rex's favorite.

 Rex pointing out the jellyfish that looks like an egg yolk.

 The new exhibit is so cool.

 Celebrating Mikes birthday.  Too bad he couldn't attend.
 We spent Mikes birthday at the beach with our friends.  Too bad he couldn't come, he was too busy getting ditched so he went to dinner, himself, alone, solo.  35 is treating him well.  

 Ike is the cutest napper.

 Duck day's parade.



 Friends.  I thought this was the cutest picture. 



We finally got our washer and dryer stand put in place as it has been sitting in our basement since December.  We miss the pearsons.

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