Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 29, 2015 Cox family visit, Thanksgiving.

It isn't often Ike falls asleep and snuggles, but I love it when he does.

 Breakfast with cousins.

 I love aunt Murrie.

 This microwave was a huge hit in the toy department.  Everyone loves a bacon button.

 Crab hunting.



Nattie was a little cheesed because Ike preferred Oaker.

 I want that.

Screen printing.

 Thanksgiving turkey hangover.

Oakers moves.

 The Car Museum.

 The purple one.



 Flag of cars and Finn showing his respect.
 Cool grill.

 The best part for the kids.



Checking out Dri's libraries in Renton.

 Museum of glass.


Bunch of fruit.

 Costco lunch.


 The best picture ever!

 Shark attack


 Santa train.

Finn said "I like this better than the car museum."

 Oaker enjoying the world passing by.

 Ike loved the moving part.

 There was no food on the train it got so bad Rex was taking matters into his own hands.

 Angry bird.

Angry Dad.

 Trains are cool.

 I want fruit gum, Marshall police paw patrol, pokeomon cards.

 I want that guy in the red to stay away from me.

 I want barbie princess charm school, pokemon cards.

Cousins with Santa photobombing.

 I don't know why ike was so happy but he was.

Train table was much appreciated.

Yes, Rex wore shorts.  Yes, it was freezing.

Rex and Chloe squirrel 

Sometimes you take a picture with your sister and think holy crap we look a lot a like. It has been a wonderful visit with a lot of fun.