Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28,2011

 Rex the cat.  I am driving and I hear a repeated meow.  I look back to tease Chloe the cat, but it ended up being Rex.

 We cut Chloe's hair.
I was talking on the phone to my friend Mike Merrell and I said "oh Hi mike!"  Rex starts screaming and following me saying "da-da da-da" He thought I was talking to Mike.  Sad, but cute.

We replaced her laces with elastic.

 This week was my first time at Activity Days in our new ward.  Rex made a friend.

 Chloe made a friend.

Mike came home for the weekend.  Lets just say we are all pleased.  These three have been hanging out nonstop.  Chloe told me she didn't want her pants on her feet so her dad put them on her head.  Then they played wii.   It is so cute to see the kids take turns and share. 

 Mike took the kids to the zoo while I had a Show Off day with Dri.

 They are leaving the zoo and it is up hill.  Mike asked "Chloe are you tired and want to ride in the stroller?"  Chloe replies, "No I'm hungry. But, I want to ride the carousel."  So they rode the Carousel.

 Then he fed them pizza and slurpee for dinner! Dad of the year =).

Here is a picture of Dri's shelved finished.  They turned out so well!

Dad made the kids oatmeal this morning and Chloe pipes up and says,  "Daddy, Mommy makes oatmeal better than you.  She hides all the milk."

Also Chloe has been asking to watch Yatta. (Viewer discretion advised...not kidding) and Mike lets her.  Yikes


  1. I felt so violated the first time I watched Yatta with you guys...then I fell in love with it :)
