Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 11 , 2011 The expletive.

Well last week I forgot to include a gem.  Mike and I both have tubing club hoodies from Utah State. I tend to wear mine more than Mike. One day, Rex kept calling Mike Mommy.  Chloe chimes in "He is confused because you are wearing Mommy's shirt."

This week was a bit of a trial.  Mike was out of town and Rex got pink eyes.  That is right first in one then in the other.  Sick.  Well we are stuck in the house and  Chloe walks out of the room.  On her way out I hear her say "Oh DAMN, I forgot my pink svarkle (sparkle) cup in the other room."  I sit her down and tell her we don't say damn, we can say dang-it or fiddle sticks, or shoot.


Then next morning Chloe is on the stairs and I hear her say fiddle-faddle, see I didn't say damn." Reflecting on the situation I think She is almost 4 should I be rejoicing that this is the first incident or lamenting the fact that I am a bad influence?  I vacillate.

::::::GUEST BLOGGER Mike::::::

In the past I've purchased T-shirts for the kids while I've been out of town.  I purchased John Deer shirts while at Rock Island, IL.  Joe Crab shack shirts while in the Virginia tide water area.  The tradition faded away as I spent more and more out of town and I realized how much souvenir t-shirts cost (usually around $15.00 - Outrageous!).  Well, the morning before I left for San Antonio Chloe insisted I let her wear her Joe's Crab Shack shirt.  Rex then became very upset because he thought I was putting his shirt on Chloe and stretching the neck out with her big head.  The only consolation I could provide was getting Rex's shirt out and letting them be twiners.  As i walked out the door for the airport I waved to the two hooligans and realized I need to find a new set of matching T-shirts.  This is what I found, guess which one is Jill's.

Upon returning home Jill had cabin fever.  I encouraged her to escape to la casa Dri for a working weekend retreat.  Then I took the kids to the PARK! My main goal was to get the kids running and let some of the crazy out, they loved it.

You know you live in a beautiful place when this is a sub-par sunset.

Saturday morning was ballet.  Those kids are stinking cute.  I asked Chloe to show me her best dance.  Inspired by the beauty of the dance, Rex decided to join in.

Later that day we ended up at Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge and went for a hike.  We were ill prepared for the cold, but had fun anyway chasing the Canada Geese.

 I told Chloe to ask the geese for their passport and she replied, "I think they don't have one, it fell our of their pockets."


  1. Mike you are fired for not inviting us to Nisqually national wildlife refuge. But cute pictures and I still think the story of Chloe is funny.

  2. Jill totally messed with Texas! By the way ever since I saw Miss Congeniality I always pronounce Texas "Texass". Fitting for Jill :)
