Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20, 2012 Park, Freezer food

 Rex at the park.  We played at the park for over 2 hours.  It was awesome.

This is Rex and his sweet sound effects. 

 Another park day.  We met Jamie and her posse at the park while she took pictures.  

 Chloe has now adopted Jamie's Dad, Hank, as her new BFF. 

 Airplane. At the end of the park we went out for frozen  yogurt.  We decided to get a big one and share.  Well, Mike ended up getting the biggest one and we had a QUART of yogurt.  Luckily, we are all healthy eaters and ate it all!

 FOOD. That is 18 1/2 cups of sauce and a ton of cheese. Dri and I decided it was time to make a whole bunch of freezer food to eat.

On our day of food this is Rex eating ostentatiously. 


 Mini-meatloaves.  YUMMMMMY!

 Potato soup.

5 lasagnas.   We made enchiladas, this chicken short a ton of food.

Now, we are as happy as these people on this freezer meal book our Mom gave us.  Hope your week was as joyous as ours =)


  1. I'm jealous that you did freezer meals I need to do that! And umm where did you put all that? Your freezer is tiny/full?

  2. LOL. I want to see the freezer food cookbook picture.
