Epic Utah Trip
- Part 2 -
Visit with the Ralph's
After the Wilson's headed back to Texas, we dedicated our time to enjoying life at Wildwood. Jill's family joined us in at the "hills and the dale"
Lots of Selfies ensued.
The Johnson's joined us for a co-family dinner. I guess we didn't take many photos,
but the few are amazing.
Cousin Twins
We we're also joined by the USU family to.
More cousins
Ike enthusiastically swinging
Attempting a family photo
Wildwood block stacking and foot...lifting
Dri brought a karaoke mic for everyone to show off their singing talents.
It was popular.
very popular
Happy morning
Jill did a painting night with her sisters and Mom.
Flamingos was the theme in honor of Beka
Being silly with Nana
...and Dri
Question: What do you call a selfie with multiple people?
Answer: An "us-ie"
Question: What do you call a selfie taken in a hurry with all of us?
Answer: A Husie
Amazing stacking
Chloe is ready to migrate to Latina America as a dancing butterfly.
Butterflies at Thanksgiving Point
Goose got one!
Ike being inspired by the butterflies trying to take flight.
Rex caught one to.
All the kids willingly got into this jar. I want one of those at home.
Ike...trying to re-enter Jill's womb?
...And the karaoke continued to entertain everyone.
Ike, super jazzed about getting a drink other than water.
Pre-tubing war party
This group means serious business.
Ready for anything!
We did not get to tube the Provo river as much as we
wanted to, but we made the most of every run.
Holy cow Oaker, have you grown lately?
These three cousins are only 12 months a part.
On second thought, the neighbors may not have enjoyed the karaoke mic.
Whats' summer time without the pool
Trouble with a capital T
a family photo showing Ike in his proper placement.
Exerting his control over Chloe and Rex.
After a thousand photos, the smiles ran thin.
The sister mostly behaved for at least one photo.
Somehow we got mostly all the cousins to cooperate for a couple photos.
Dee was downgraded to the kids table though.
Yea for family and another fun week.
love love love!!! "ike trying to re-enter..." doesn't he know that was a no-reentry ticket? :)