I started making my own ice cream with out sugar and it is a game changer.
Ike at school. Things have relaxed a lot and the kids can go to school and you can eat at restaurants now.
MIKE IS 40!!! Thanks to everyone who sent notes to him for his birthay.
Bobby was able to come celebrate with us. He was an excellent help in the kitchen as we made navajo tacos.
Koob time again.
This creepy looking machine is a fully functioning candy dispenser.
Right here on the corner by the Hancocks house.
Ike getting more wear out of his fancy vest.
Heidi and I went for a bike ride.
Then we did couples yoga. It was special.
We were able to go on a double date to Bingen.
It was so pretty.
The drive home.
My three adorable robots.
We were able to celebrate Janye's birthday.

A little hiking.
A little shopping.
And a lot of food. It is so nice to be able to see friends again even if it is limited. I am so thankful for cool people in my life.
Sunday was my Mom's 70th Birthday it was great to celebrate over zoom with a talent show and so much fun. I wish I would have done a screen shot. But it was so fun to hear all the talents. Dri recording herself playing bring a torch jeanette isabella on her clarinet and then singing it for us in french and english on zoom was PRICELESS. It was so good.
happy Birthday Mike.