Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15, 2011


 TaDA! We had Carpet here if you remember from the previous photos.  We ripped up carpet, padding, cleaned the floors, sanded, sanded and sanded.  Oh and, we then cleaned the floors again and sealed them.  

By we I mean Mike, Jesse Pearson, Jamie Pearson, Dri and Me.  Everyone helped with the floors and kids.  A big THANK YOU to all who helped physically, by answering questions, giving advice, and support!

Rex's hidden talent.  He seriously won't walk if he knows I am looking.   AND, most of the time he is walking to Dri.  So the only movie we have so far of his hidden talent is from the back. Most of the time this week I have been working on the floors so he has been walking for everyone else!  This is Rex getting into the action and the perfect example of a Chloé conversation.

Chloé, while we have been doing the floors, has kept herself busy too. 
For instance:



And this.  Thank you I pod, which Chloé knows how to work better than I do.  She took the pictures of her drawings all by herself.  Rex now can unlock it too.  They are getting to smart!

But now, thanks to our neglect of the children we have:

We finished last night around 11 and so the pictures are dark, but it is done.  Now we are on the road!

Yesterday was Kade's birthday, so cute.  Jamie puts on quite the party while camping in our basement and none of us have stuff.  Hopefully pictures will come.  She had her camera out.  But GOOD DAY!

Last Sunday Dri was teaching sunday school last minute.  Since it was Mother Day she had everyone introduce themselves and tell a little mother snippet.  There were some good stories:  

One was this girl her mom makes BEAUTIFUL hand made cards.  But, her mom cannot bring herself to sign them so she puts a post-it on them when she sends them that says love mom so she can reuse them!

Another girl was telling us her mom sends her notes too.  She has a cat that recently died and got a present of hair in the mail recently.  The cat lives on.

There was this one guy that his mom is another nationality and cannot say th so when she said her telephone number her 3's sounded like tree.  She would be on the phone and telling people her number and they could never understand her.  After many incidences that ended in him mediating he was so glad when cell phones came out so he could get her a new number with out threes. 

There were a number of gems but this is all I can remember.

1 comment:

  1. Love love love Chloe's asparagus pics. What a week. i love you, i miss you. i'll see you soon.
