Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 8, 2011

Marshmallow towers for Family Home Evening. Dri had the tallest! 

Chloé busy

The final product.

This week we were eating green beans and Chloé was less than jazzed about the situation.  She was pleading with Dad to eat the green beans to "get them off my plate!"  When Dad persuasively stated " When I was your age I loved green bean they were my favorite."  Chloé quickly responded, " Well, when I was your age I loved TOOKIES!" and her had was thrust in the air.  Chloé 1 Dad 0.

Rex miffed he doesn't get to consume the mallows.

Dri took the kids this weekend.  Before we left Dri was explaining to Chloé how they were going to hang out and all the fun things they were going to do.  Chloé said "I want my parents to leave NOW."  Chloé, Dri, and Rex went to the aquarium and came home with these beauties. Chloé lovingly whispering to her new BFF.

Up-uh and Pup-uh.

Rex's favorite part of the aquarium was the Jelly fish ring.

Chloé loved the Starfish. 

Everyone had a good time but was a little worn out.  
Thanks Dri for the best weekend.

Mike and I went to Pacific Beach and had such a good time.

We mostly walked on the beach and reveled in quiet time.

Kade and Rex.  I couldn't resist.

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