Chloe goes off the big slide now. I love this picture becuase that is her bum in the air. She is super graceful.
Chloe wanting a drink in bed started bemoaning... "I feel very dehydrated. I need a drink of water!!! Are you you just going to leave me here, dehydrated?"
Rex telling a story "...And there will be infinity Rexy's. No, no infinity too much, there will be five..."
Trying to get Rex to eat cous-cous
Rex and Elisabeth have a love hate relationship. The other day while playing he came up with, "I hate you, but I still like your hair."
Chloe is 6. She dressed up like a princess with a cape and crown the entire day.
Fruit rainbow
Making shrinki-dinks.
Princess Celestial rising the moon pinata
Asking Chloe why she was kicking her pinata " I was thinking my foot was so hard I was going to kick it once and all the candy would fall out and I would be the hero and share it with everyone."
With all the wonderful visitors we finished off the three gallon bucket of ice cream at chloe's birthday.
Horse shoes
The cake turned out and looked awesome!
Mike and James cross country skiing
Chloe made me eggs today. They were good. I said I wanted eggs and she said she would make them she didn't know what degree to turn the stove on to. I told her 5. She replied, I used to be 5. She asked me if I wanted chicken eggs or regular eggs? (Fresh or store bought) It was hysterical. She is so independent. Then she made Rex a batch.
Hipster Rex.
White's the best.
The kids playing penguin at the church.
Oh man, I laugh so hard when I read your blogs. I can't decide if your family is rocking awesome or just plan crazy. But I LOVE it. Way to go bum in the air Chloe. And I agree with Rex infinity Rex's it too much, 5 is better. Oh man I'm still laughing at it all.