I miss point defiance.
The kids picked grass and fed the llamas.
Ike is so sweet and just kept kissing our friends baby.
Give me your M&M's. I see your M&M's. I want your M&M's.
Just one bite...out of everything.
I said just one bite.
Pink eye pop-sickle day.
Sick day, snuggle day.
One done one to go.
Ike eating his bottle. He insits I sit down and we snuggle while he eats. It's good becuase I should slow down and snuggle more. I laughed when I noticed we were chilling in the same pose.
All done eating. He is so silly.
The frog in our window well got into our basement so we set him free.
Box castle.
Bio illuminance, this is the bug with the flash.
Bug without. Things here are so different, sometimes good, sometimes hard, and sometimes just different.
Spin. Spin.
Walking through the neigh-borhood.
Hahaha neigh!