Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 26, 2012 Planet Unicorn

 Rex playing at the park

 Rex was dying to dress up as Snow White.  It was so funny.  Rex and Chloe pretended they were sisters.  Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.

I got a little orginization done at my house this week too.  I cut out the superfluous brace from the wall and it makes so much more room!

This week we went to good will and found the most hideous unicorn costume.  Chloe was in dyer need and I was in a weak condition...
Yup Worse than you thought!
When we got home and she put it on she said "This is my pony and when bad things come she will stab it with her mighty horn. She is a spiny pony and she kind-of speaks horse."
Rex taking her for a spin.

 Coolest library.

 The Duvall library opening was well attend and long winded.

Lolo made the kids swords

Many fine battles ensued 

 There was good art.  It was an awesome day. Good work Aunt Dri!

I gave Chloe some orange juice that was a little tart and she explained "This juice is full of ugliness."
Coming from the girl who doesn't like the sun Chloe commented, "I wish we had a car with no top so we could drive around in the sun."

Chloe loved playing in Aunt Dri's bed.  Dri took pity on me and gave me an afternoon off while she took the kids.  MANY THANKS!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21, 2012 Ballet pics

June was a long time ago, but here are Chloe's professional ballet pictures.  They are no Jamie pictures, but they are still cute.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19, 2012 last soccer/ pick nick/ grace's birthday

 This is Chloe's last soccer game.  She even got to kick the ball!

 Go Tigers!

 Team meeting

 Rex watching

 Movie time

 Chloe climbing

Dri recovered the lost bag from the science center... these are all the goods she was packing.

 Rex after his sucker.

 The caterpillars we made at book club

 Rex swimming

 this is Rex before he started freaking out and I had to jump in and save him.


 Rex loves dogs.

 Getting ready for our pick nick. 

On our pick nick with the Butters and Phillips
 What we found on our pick nick

 Grace's birthday.

 Rex on the highway to he danger zone.

 Saturday was overcast and Chloe woke up and said "at least it isn't sunny today." I pushed " you don't like the sun?"  Chloe replied "no, it's too bright in my eyes."  We are officially north-westerners. 

We got to go to Dri's on Saturday and finish the grage cleaning of 2012.  Isn't it beautiful. I had cleaning high and didn't want to go home.

Here are all the video's that I found from Dri:
Mike being the Kayak cab at Nooshkum

Rex "I like it"

Chloe working her magic

Rex loves to read

Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 12, 2012 Nooshkum, King tut

This is when Chloe ran into the water after a crab fell over and just popped up.


Rex has been saying I yike(like) it when ever there is anything he likes.

 Lunch with Dri and Marj

 Chloe hopping on the zip-line solo

 Mike was leaving and Chloe asked him to give her a blessing.  Mike asked why she wanted a blessing and she said she wanted help that she wouldn't trip and if she was going to that Jesus would come down and help her fly over whatever she was going to trip over or move it.
 zoo day

 Marj, carry you.

 Merry go round with Marj

 Butterfly room at pacific science center

 Rex's hitch hiker

King Tut exhibit 
Tim cam into town and Chloe was calling him.  She said "hey, tough guy, tough guy in the blue shirt."  I guess tough guy in the blue shirt is easier than saying Tim.

Chloe lost her bag at the science center and we could not find it anywhere.  We are in the car driving away and Chloe says "I am going to call my bag." She picks up her play phone and pushes the button and snow white's voice comes on and says "hello I'm snow white."  Chloe replies "snow white I can't talk right now I'm looking for my bag I lost."  Then She says "hello bag you want me to come and get you?  I will get you."

Today eating dinner  Chloe puts salt in her water and says "come here Rexy I have this soup for you.  It has Magical powers."  Then Rex says, "oh, ok."  Comes over and eats his magical powers.