This is Chloe's last soccer game. She even got to kick the ball!
Go Tigers!
Team meeting
Rex watching
Movie time
Chloe climbing
Dri recovered the lost bag from the science center... these are all the goods she was packing.
Rex after his sucker.
The caterpillars we made at book club
Rex swimming
this is Rex before he started freaking out and I had to jump in and save him.
Rex loves dogs.
Getting ready for our pick nick.
On our pick nick with the Butters and Phillips
What we found on our pick nick
Grace's birthday.
Rex on the highway to he danger zone.
Saturday was overcast and Chloe woke up and said "at least it isn't sunny today." I pushed " you don't like the sun?" Chloe replied "no, it's too bright in my eyes." We are officially north-westerners.
We got to go to Dri's on Saturday and finish the grage cleaning of 2012. Isn't it beautiful. I had cleaning high and didn't want to go home.
Here are all the video's that I found from Dri:
Mike being the Kayak cab at Nooshkum
Rex "I like it"
Chloe working her magic
Rex loves to read
I LOVE this post. Thanks so much for hanging out with me while i was sick. xoxoxox