Sunday, September 13, 2015

Belgium and back to Amsterdam. August 26-27, 2015

Wednesday August 26th

 Belgium waffles in Belgium.

 Coming into Bruges.

 Cool buildings.

Pretty canals.

 More cool buildings.

 Main square.

 Mirrored glass structure in the square.

 The clock tower.

 Cool statues.

 The market that disappeared after our canal tour.


 Detailed buildings.

 Canal tour.  We were so close my knees were sticking into Lindsey's back.

 Old and new.

 Old and new.

 Cool glass.

 Wood building.



 Cool stained glass.

 The clock tower on the canal side.

We were able to find some yummy chocolate too.

Our tiny car that took us EVERYWHERE!  We drove an enormous amount of Kilometers. We had a lot of fun, good conversations, and craziness in this little, tiny car.

 Thursday August 27th
We got first class on the way home, again.  It was my first time riding first class, and what a time to be able to do it.  Lindsey and I had a lot of fun, a lot of hard problems to solve, and got put outside of our comfort zone.  It was awesome to go with someone I am so close with; because when things go wrong we are so close it is easy to work things through, we can share food so we get try more stuff, and we make a good team navigating our way through a new situation.  I am so thankful I met Lindsey my first day at Utah State.  We have had a lot of awesome shared adventures and to many more new adventures.

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