Ike and Mazie. We were able to hang out with the Horners. They are so fun.

Rex found this emoji and sent it to his friend a ton of times. I asked him why he sent it, because when Rex sends an emoji there is thought and a story behind each choice. He sent this gem because he believes it is chocolate ice-cream.
Rex found this emoji and sent it to his friend a ton of times. I asked him why he sent it, because when Rex sends an emoji there is thought and a story behind each choice. He sent this gem because he believes it is chocolate ice-cream.
Ike is so funny, and silly.
Ike loves his bottle. Even on the hard tile floor.
School fish.
This is the castle we camped at.
The view from the top. There was another crumbly castle across the valley.
The castle grounds our tent is on the left side in the alcove by the turret.
Other castle in the back.
Making breakfast.
Best fit ever.
The castle we stayed at.
Chloe and her friend made "snow"
Breakfast in bed. Chloe was so excited.
"I can't read this, but I know it does say butt behold. The scriptures say that a lot."
Giving Dad hugs goodbye as he goes back to Poland. They were so aggressive they knocked him down.
YUMMMM chocolate ice-cream. LOL BUTT behold. LOL OH that is the coolest camping spot EVER! I'm totally jealous of your German life. Sad face Mike is back in Poland. Hope he comes home soon. We love the card you sent us. We'll mail you another one soon. PS our zoo pass expires in 4 days :-(