Lindsey has come to VISIT!
The awesome park
Lindsey helping (Satan's plan) Chloe take a good pic. Chloe would not look at me.
We cut Chloe's hair last Sunday
Lindsey and Chloe
Lindsey at the Library stealing Mother Gooses hat.
Rex has started saying a ton of words. He has been able to talk forever but only talks when he wants to. He has been saying Mom, Dada, Nana, gra-ma, gra-pa, up, down, all done, ball, water, no, yes and has been signing a ton.
Yesterday Rex started putting his head and his feet on the floor and raising his arms, then Chloe came and joined. They were just laughing together.
We finally finished the wall. Here is the back before we put the white board on.
After we put the whiteboard on. Look at Chloe's creepy smiley faces. She is getting pretty good.
Chloe was drawing all of these eyes while showing Mike. Mike pointed out that the smiley face had no smile; she quickly put a little line and said there and went back to adding eyes.
Here is the awesome Flor rug we put together and the wall that divides the room.
Here you can see three of the FIVE raccoons in our back yard. YIKES! I want a hat.
seriously, funniest post ever. The wall looks AMAZING. Just finished 12, count them, 12 rings!!!! cha ching!